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What To Expect With A Design Consultation

As a little girl, I struggled in school. Well actually I struggled all the way through college. My brain just works a little different and it took me a long time to be okay with that. In the 3rd grade, I was failing and a school counselor intervened. After a series of lengthy tests we discovered I was extremely left brained. That’s rare and even more rare for a girl. While I did struggle with concepts in reading and vocabulary, I excelled in puzzles and memory. I was even on a collegiate level in some aspects and for a 3rd grader that makes you feel really smart. A big deal for a little girl who always felt dumb. American schools are predominately geared for right brained kids, taught by right brained teachers and for those of us that are extremely left brained we can feel very confused and struggle. Thankfully, this counselor took the initiative to see why I was struggling and that testing gave me insights to how my brain works that has carried with me even to today. I firmly believe this why I am so good at design. For me, design is a puzzle and my brain gets puzzles. It’s a bunch of different little pieces that come together to make 1 large beautiful piece of art! That’s why I absolutely love design consultations. I help my clients with all the missing pieces, help them understand how the new pieces connect and watch them get the vision to see it unfold and come together perfectly.

I understand that if you’ve never worked with a designer, you may not know what to expect or how it works. So let me explain my process and how it can save you time and money (maybe a little heart ache) in the long run. A design consultation could be for a room remodel, interior furnishings or a combination of the two!

First, every designer is different in their process, fees and experience so I am just going to elaborate on my process and not try to explain what’s standard in the industry.

Before We Meet

Every consultation starts with a quick discovery phone call to make sure we’re a good fit, I can help to the fullest and get you prepared for the in home session. I’ll ask several questions to make we have everything we need to maximize our time at the appointment. This could include inspiration photos, paint or tile samples or even a budget. All of these help me help you! I’ve worked with an unlimited budget to a very limited budget. Regardless of your budget, I can help my clients get the look they want. Once we have a plan and feel prepared an appointment is scheduled.

During Our Meeting

My design consultations are $250. With this fee you get an in home consultation (I come to you) and we discuss the room and or design elements you need help with. During this time frame (a maximum of 2 hours) I will help you with an overall comprehensive plan. We can shop online, make paint decisions, go over sketches or select any and all textiles to get your space fully designed. You would be surprised how much can get accomplished in such a short time!

After We Meet

I always give a “Designer Update” email with detailed notes from our visit, links for purchases with any and all pertinent information for your design. I can also help with the flow of the design process. Knowing what needs to be done first etc.. with trades. This leaves you empowered to take your design at your pace to finish as your budget allows.

I am a firm believer that a designer can actually help you save money and time. We are experts at knowing where to save, what to add and how.

Designer with a purpose,

Micah Abbananto

PS. Thank you for all of the support for the BEST of 405!!! If you haven’t voted yet, please do so. The link is below!

Check out Micah Abbananto Designs. Vote from the top 5 finalists until February 28!


See this Instagram gallery in the original post