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Meaningful Design

This is my two-story home that was destroyed by the F5 tornado of May 2013. This house, this moment, symbolizes so much in my life. While that day was the most difficult moment I have ever faced (and the months thereafter) it was also the most beautiful experience as well. Trauma and trials have a way of bringing everything to the surface both good and bad. I could go on and on about my journey surrounding this moment, but today I want to focus specifically on design, what the tornado taught me and how it changed my view of design.

First and foremost, we can’t be afraid of trials because they are often the moments that set us up for amazing journeys. This tornado was the catalyst for me to start my design business and be fearless to live out my calling. Being a survivor of something so traumatic gives you the courage to face other circumstances with more confidence. It’s also the reason I am now with my husband, Sean. My family was featured in  a movie called, “Where Was God?”. Sean knew the producers, saw the movie and we became friends!

Secondly, much of my design seemed futile because it was impersonal. All the time, money and energy I spent making my house look pretty was gone in less than a minute. That was a humbling experience. Much of what I lost didn’t matter.

Lastly, what I grieved over were the things that had meaning or celebrated memories. This was what I wanted to focus on in the future. I wanted my next home to be a celebration of life and truly be a sanctuary for my family.

Things are just things until they have meaning!

I sign all my emails and letters, designer with a purpose because I am on a mission to enlighten the importance of meaningful design and how it can truly impact you and your family on a spiritual and emotional level for the better!

Design With Meaning

One item that brought me back over and over to search through the rubble was to find my 3 kids take home outfits.  Y’all know the outfit you pick out especially to bring your child home from the hospital.  I had them individually shadow boxed and hung them going up the stairs to the kids rooms.  I found Ava and Ezra’s but never found Saylah’s.  They are irreplaceable – I held my children in those, they encapsulated memories and were given to me by my mom. I was devastated to lose those.

When it was time to move into our new home I wanted more memories around me.  More design elements that had meaning. So I embarked on a journey and was almost obsessed with finding ways to design with my heart.

There are many ways to bring meaning with design in your home:

·        Coffee table books – from places you’ve traveled, make your own, specific hobbies, family origin or even your home town. Make them personal.

·        Accessories – I have a huge conch shell from a trip to the Bahamas. I always try to buy an accessory from a trip.

·        Pictures – Don’t just hang a few, go dramatic (large mats, black and white, poster size). Do a gallery wall or make them look like art pieces. There are so many ways to display photos creatively.

·        Use your favorite colors, patterns or shapes. If you love yellow, it should be in your home! Who cares what’s in. Be you and surround yourself with what YOU love. I love paisleys… they aren’t currently in but I don’t care, I have them in my home.

Design With Intention

Your home is a celebration of the people living in it! It should tell a story… your story! How can you give importance to memories, trips and your heritage? You should celebrate your spouse, your kids, your grandparents, your parents. Your whole family is important and worthy of celebration. Also, kids need to know where they came from! We don’t pass stories down anymore and this is a great way to show them who they are and where they came from.

One way I did this was what I called my “nostalgia wall”. It was a whole wall filled with all kinds of memories past and present!

  • Old Football jersey (display from container store).

  • Old photos- I have one of my great-great-grandpa in front of his med school cadaver.

  • I have a painting by my grandmother, she was very talented.

  • My father was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and I have several medals displayed.

  • Awards by kids, etc..

  • I have framed recipes written from family members.

My absolute favorite decoration piece today is 3 crosses my dad made for me out of the rubble from our home… they have zero value but they mean everything to me.  They symbolize survival, a moment in time that changed me forever and tell a story….my story.