Quit Buying Crap?!

In a sea of mediocrity, it's easy to get lost in the noise. But at MC, we're committed to creating designs that stand the test of time, with an edge that sets you apart from the crowd. Our passion is crafting unique, high-quality designs that reflect your individuality and personal style. We're not just about fleeting trends or superficial aesthetics - we're about crafting timeless designs that become a part of who you are. Let us help you elevate your look and make a statement that reflects your authentic self

Tired of filling your home with cookie-cutter decor that's not unique or personal? We've got you covered! At Micah and Co, we believe that every space should reflect your personality and style. Here are our top tips to avoid buying crap and instead, curate a space that's truly yours.

Don't chase trends

Focus on timeless pieces that stand the test of time, not fleeting fads. Influencers are making money and that’s ok, but find hidden gems in vintage stores, estate sales or Etsy!

Buy quality over quantity

Invest in a few statement pieces that will make a lasting impression, rather than a bunch of inexpensive, throwaway items.

Edit and edit again

Less is more – don't overcrowd your space with too many knick-knacks or clutter. (I need to work on this). lol

Be Personal

Incorporate meaningful objects that tell your story and reflect your personality. Buy items on trips, support a local artist and be intentional with what you buy!

Follow these simple tips and you'll be well on your way to creating a home that's truly one-of-a-kind. And if you're looking for some inspiration or guidance along the way, we're here to help.

Designers with a purpose,

Micah and Co