Honoring God in Design

This is my number one blog post and I think we all know why. The importance of it and how to honor God in design can be complicated and very personal. When I first became a Christian, I was working for an Interior Designer in Fort Worth, Texas. I absolutely loved the job and knew it was what I wanted to do with my life. However, the spiritual influences in my life at that time told me it was futile, worldly and lacked spiritual significance. Unfortunately, those influences caused me to leave the design world professionally. I firmly believe this gift is what I am called to do. I know this is what I was created to be! I mean how many girls do you know loved to rearrange their room as a little girl?! This was even before HGTV, so I know it was in my heart. This was just simply how God made me. While I may have left it professionally in 1999, I was always designing every space I lived in and seizing every opportunity to help my friends. To make a very long story short, I had a season of renewal in my spirit about the spiritual impact of a well designed home.

First, I have to be real. I haven’t always honored Him with this gift He’s given me. Let me share some red flags (from my own life) and how you can know your are not honoring God in this area of your life before I speak to the spiritual importance of having a home well designed.

  1. Creates contention in your home

    The Bible says in Hebrews “let nothing be done through strife”. If the desire to get your house looking pretty creates contention in your marriage you need to take a step back and evaluate. Communicate to your spouse and get to the heart of the matter to be on the same page about the motive, the desire and importance of your home feeling designed. Creating something beautiful for your family should be about the experience as well, not just the end result. Remember men often see a house as just that.. a house. Explain your heart and desire to create a sanctuary for the family to flourish and how it visually looks and feels can play a huge positive impact. I will get into that more later!

  2. Going into debt

    I get to design some amazing expensive homes but even these families have a budget. Make sure you are not putting unnecessary stress on your family because you want your house pretty! Creating a budget and coming up with a plan is always best. Be careful not to impulse buy and stay within your means. I remember a time when money was so tight that I had $20 dollars to spend or save every week. That was my design budget! You don’t need a lot of money to make a home beautiful. You just need a little patience and creativity!

  3. Coveting your neighbor

    Maybe we should say, wanting what’s on Pinterest or Instagram!! LOL Those people are your neighbors too! To covet simply means to wish you had what they have… YIKES! I think we can all say we are guilty of wishing we had more or a house that looks like a picture that you love on Instagram. We have to be careful with this spirit. “Thou shalt not covet” is a fundamental declaration from God. Partly because it gets our eyes off Him and what He’s provided but it can also stir up ingratitude. There is nothing less attractive than a woman that’s ungrateful. When you see those posts that may make you want more, try to re-frame that emotion and be happy for them, be inspired and then thank God for what you have. You may even need to take a break from all the visual stimulation and inspiration to get grounded in your own world to stay thankful. I personally have battled this as I constantly have to shop and stay in this world on a daily basis and I get that it can be hard!

  4. Discontent with what you have or can do

    Lastly, contentment. You can look, you can be inspired, you can want to change your home and you can desire to get more, but all of these need to spring from the foundation of contentment. If you find yourself frustrated about your current situation then ask God to change your heart and your motives. He will give you peace, a plan and the right time to see your home reflect your heart’s desire. Where you live and what your house looks like doesn’t define you, it’s simply a reflection. Paul said it best in when he said, “that I have learned to be content”. It takes intentional practice to be content, no matter your surroundings, but there is no greater joy when you choose peace and gratitude in your life. Now that I’m convicted, let’s move on to the spiritual importance of creating a designed home that reflects your soul!

God made this world visually beautiful for us enjoy! He loves beauty and order which is exactly what He gave us here on earth. That spirit to enjoy beauty comes from Him and He designed us to want to enjoy it. I firmly believe your home should be beautiful, balanced and in order. My mom always used to say your home reveals your soul…if it’s messy then your heart is messy!

There have been a ton of studies on how what we visually see around us impacts our mind and soul. This is why I emphasize the importance that your home and what it looks like, has far more of an impact on your spiritual well being than we often talk about. Creating a sanctuary that brings peace to you and your family can help lay the foundation to be all who God has called you to be. Finding out what that looks like and the process to get there is where I feel called to; it’s my purpose.

Designer with a purpose,

Micah Abbananto