What to Expect When Building in 2021

Like I have said in the past, expectations are everything when building or remodeling a home! If you are thinking about building a home this year, or are in the process of building a home this year, I have some insights that I want to share with you.

First, remember that you are blessed!

Practicing gratitude during your building process will help to keep you grounded when times of difficulty arise (I am here for you when they do, too, as your design bestie!). Don’t wrap up all your hopes and dreams into this one house.. that will lead you down a path of discouragement and anger. This is a house. Try to stay unemotional about it and have a business relationship with it until it fully becomes yours. Being thankful for the process (no matter how difficult) will keep you out of despair.

The wild west!

Building, remodeling and ordering anything in 2021 comes with special difficulties, such as long processing/shipping times, back orders, shortage of laborers, over saturation in the market and out-of-stock products; just to name a few. It is wild in the industry right now. Complexities are at every angle for every trade, builder and contractor. Grace is a must and patience will push you to a level you never really wanted to learn. Every person in the industry is in a ”gun shoot out” of whose next to get the next product or trade to get their project done. I am not kidding or meaning to be funny… it’s the God’s honest truth.

The builder is not out to get you!

As you select your builder, it is important to find someone who you can lean on and trust. Selecting your builder should take time and thought. Your builder will take all of your ideas and bring them to life, taking your home from a 2D rendering to a 3D structure that takes over 50 unique trades to create! The majority of builders are proud of their work and love what they do. They want to make you happy! So, as you work with your builder, it is important to practice patience and respect when complications arise. As much as I wish all builders could be mind-readers and magicians, this is not the case. We have to keep these things in mind and work together as a team to create your dream space! Communication is key!

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Did you know you cannot brick in weather below 32 degrees? Did you know paint does not dry properly when the humidity is over 50%? Weather can have an impact upon your build. In Oklahoma we had a lot of rain this year… it impacts your build far more than I could even express. If you’re weeks behind, rain is a part of the equation. Please keep in mind your builder is not trying to delay your build, but wants it to be completed safely and properly. The builder has zero gain for you build to go slow, in fact it can cost him.

You will always be over budget (especially in 2021)!

Did I surprise you with that one? I am seeing EVERYTHING go up in price, EVERYTHING. This isn’t to scare you, this is to empower you. Make sure your bid and your cost equate to reality. If you are in the middle of a build or remodel it means you may have to sacrifice some of your design or selections to be able to complete your project. Even in the midst of this financial chaos, I still see the most overages is from my client’s own personal choices. Expectations are too high for the reality of what things cost. Again, get to a place of gratitude and chose what will keep you happy and within your budget. Even in my million dollar homes, my clients can’t get everything they want. Both your builder/contractor and I want to stay as close to budget as possible! But, it is good to financially prepare for overages. On average, a build is 20% more than what was expected.

To get the most out of building in 2021, remember to stay grateful, inspired, and flexible. Together, we can create the space of your dreams!

“My soul, wait thou only upon God for my EXPECTATION is from Him.” Psalm 62:5

Designer with a purpose,

Micah Abbananto