Trust The Process

Building a home or remodeling a home can be one of the most daunting tasks you face, especially if you aren’t familiar with the realm of construction and design. So many different options, details, and decisions to be made can certainly cause a totally understandable and acceptable freak out! Good news for you! Just like you specialize in what you do for a living, people specialize in these fields as well! (P.S. If you were looking for a sign to hire a designer… HERE IS YOUR SIGN!)

 Release Control

We think just about anyone in the construction and design world would say the best thing you can do for yourself and for the sake of your mental health when building a home is to TRUST THE PROCESS. If you ingrain this saying in your head and extend grace throughout your build, you’ll make it to the finish line with a beautiful home and memories of a positive and enjoyable building experience. Trust us, there will be moments where you’re going to want to grab the reins. Your home build is a huge investment and money is emotional but try and hold on to these few truths when you’re feeling the urge to take over the steering wheel of your build.

 Release Timelines

Timelines aren’t set in stone. They’re ballpark dates that your builder would love to see achieved, but those timelines aren’t always a reality. You don’t want your job halfway done. Trust the process.

 Release Perfection

We know you don’t want to hear this, but things are going to go wrong in your build. Mistakes are going to be made but they always play out and work in the end. Accept that and trust the process. 

 Release the Vision

Your vision isn’t going to be an exact replica of your Pinterest boards. That’s okay, you aren’t building a custom home for it to look like a cookie cutter builder grade home. Trust the process.

 Release Expectations

There will be delays in your build. Rain delays, trade delays, product delays, etc. It’s okay, we aren’t performing a heart transplant. Trust the process. There will be days and weeks where you feel like nothing is happening on your build. Pieces are ALWAYS moving even if you don’t see trades at your jobsite. There is so much heavy lifting behind the scenes in a build. Trust the process.

Release Anger

Lastly, keep in mind we’re all human. Your builder, your designer, your contractor, etc. We all make mistakes and if you don’t, please let us in on your secret. Life happens for everyone. It gets hard, heavy and messy. Keep this in mind when you find yourself feeling frustrated and remember all the times you’ve been extended grace to. And you guessed it, trust the process.


At Micah & Co. we genuinely work to build and foster our relationships with our clients. Yes, we love that we get to design and create beauty for a living, but we also love that we get to love people through something we’re all so passionate about. Know that here at Micah & Co., we really will always have your best interest. At the end of the day, we’re in the business of people and we will always work hard to make this known and felt by our clients. We promise, we’ve got you! Let us lead and trust the process.