Luxury On A Little

Decorating your home can certainly be overwhelming not only because of the financial investment that comes with home décor but also because of not knowing where to begin. Of course, thinking you can decorate your entire home on the weekend is the biggest issue. Well, my friends, We are here to remind you Rome wasn’t built in a day, and most successful interior designers don’t design and style a home in a day either. Design requires strategy. More importantly, it requires patience. If you can hone in on these two things, your home will be uniquely decorated to fit your style and budget before you know it!

We’ve pulled together a few ways to create your luxury home oasis without draining your bank account to get you started on your decorating journey.



Adding texture and layers is the perfect way to add a luxurious and finished feel to a room. The trick is finding the ideal balance of layers without creating clutter. The objects you choose should be intentionally selected and inspire joy. They should be personal and write your home’s story. Below are a few easy ways to add dimension and layers to your home.


Window Treatments

When it comes to decorating, window treatments can completely transform a room. Depending on your vision for a space, adding some window covering can add drama, whimsy, or softness. Just a single rich textured fabric can add so much dimension and flair. The best news, you can find affordable, high-quality curtains just about anywhere.



Textiles + Materials + Finishes

This is the easiest way to layer. Don’t be afraid to mix materials. This prevents a space from feeling bland. Find the perfect balance using natural materials, bold colors, and patterned fabrics. Mixing soft and rough textures adds an element that completes a space.



Wall Art + Accessories

These items are tricky and can lead you straight to "Clutter Ville" if you don't strategize properly. We like to think of wall art and accessories as puzzles. We always start by separating the outside pieces first and making the frame. Then we start on the inside parts, piecing together a section at a time. Wall art or the larger decorative pieces are similar to the outside elements. They serve as the framework of space. Once you've solidified your "outside pieces" that vary in size and shape, you fill things in with the "inside pieces" or accessories. The best way to avoid stepping over the line into "Clutter Ville" is following this rule of thumb… It doesn't belong there if it doesn't hold sentimental value or bring you joy.




When furnishing and decorating a home, you must strategize what items are worth the splurge. How do you know whether something is splurge-worthy or not? First, ask yourself how much you'll use it! Yes, Anthropology's $3000 entry console is beautiful, but how often do you enter your front door to enjoy it? Instead, invest that money into a good sofa for your living room. This is a logical purchase, and your significant other would get behind the purchase too!


Reminder… just about everything goes on sale. If you find something you love, but aren’t so in love with the price, wait it out. When we see an item we love but can’t spend the money on, we add it to the bookmarks bar and check back on it occasionally. The good Lord above is fine-tuning my patience through this process, but we’ve also snagged some incredible deals by not letting my shopping impulses win.

A way to stay in the know on discounts is by signing up for company emails. (CRINGE!) Yes, they can get a little spam-y, but you will be in the know for everything sales-related. One of our favorite places for bargain hunting is Facebook Marketplace. It’s slowly becoming an obsession, but oh, the items you can find! It’s not hard to find a good deal. But, of course, you have to be willing to dig!



The best thing about creativity is it’s free! We firmly believe there is a creative in us; we have to find it. Being creative doesn’t mean you’re an internationally known muralist or digital designer. Being a visionary is as simple as identifying items, patterns, and colors you like and being able to pair them in a way that speaks to you.

Between Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, and all the other social media networks, you are bound to find copious tutorials on renovating and revamping what you already own. Below are a few cost-effective decorative ideas and updates that won’t break the bank!


Accent Walls

Bring some life to a rundown space by picking up a gallon of paint from your local home improvement store and getting to paint! It’s instantly gratifying and adds the character you’ve been looking for!



Thrifted Finds

Spend an afternoon rummaging through some of your local thrift stores, antique stores, or flea markets. We have an affinity for vintage treasures, but know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Instead, keep your eyes peeled for items gleaming with potential. We all need a little TLC, and sometimes that’s all these thrifted treasures also need. Never underestimate the power of a can of spray paint!



Rearrange + Reuse

Sometimes buying new items isn’t the answer. Instead, challenge yourself by moving your furniture around. Move decorations from room to room. You’d be impressed with what relocating a few items can do to your space!

There are endless ways to achieve luxury on a little and we would love to help you. We would love to hear ways you’ve improved your home on a budget!

Designers With A Purpose,

Micah and Co. Team