Clean freak

The fresh feeling that Spring brings is one of newness and excitement. The sun is out longer and the flowers are blooming which can lead to an itch to simplify your life after a long winter. It is a feeling we are all too familiar with and one that sometimes we need that extra push to do. Spring cleaning is a wonderful opportunity to refresh your living space and declutter your life. Its hard for design to shine when there is clutter in the house so here are some key tips to help you streamline your belongings and organize your home for a stress-free environment:

Step one, Start by decluttering: Go through your belongings and assess what you truly need and use regularly. Items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy can be donated, recycled, or thrown away. Be honest with yourself about what you really need and let go of things that are only taking up space, the goal is to create space for newness so be sure to not hold on to things that are taking up space. Also, don’t forget to declutter digital spaces as well, such as your email inbox and phone apps. This will help you feel lighter and less overwhelmed in your day to day life.

Step 2, Organize room by room: Tackle one room at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Start with smaller spaces like closets or drawers before moving on to larger areas like the living room or kitchen. Use storage solutions such as bins, baskets, and shelves to keep items organized and easily accessible.

Step 3, Create a cleaning schedule: To maintain a tidy and stress-free home, establish a regular cleaning routine. This can include daily tasks like making the bed and doing dishes, as well as weekly chores like vacuuming and dusting. By staying on top of cleaning, you can prevent clutter from piling up and enjoy a more organized living space.

By following these key tips for spring cleaning, you can declutter your home, get rid of items that no longer serve you, and organize your life in a way that promotes a stress-free environment. Remember that a clean and organized space can have a positive impact on your mental well-being and overall quality of life. Happy cleaning!

Needing help redecorating your home after you Spring Clean? Contact us, we would love to help!

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Designers with a Purpose,

Micah & Co