What to Expect from A Lighting Selection Meeting

Lighting is one of the most important features to consider when designing a space, both for functionality and ambiance. When I walk into a business or home for the first time, lighting is usually the first thing I notice. It's really an area where we can get creative with the design to show your unique personality.

Phase One: Site Visit

During a visit, we complete a lighting take-off to have an accurate count of lights and styles needed for your home. New builds will be more extensive than a remodel or refresh, but regardless the scale of your project, the selections we make for lighting will make a huge impact! Before your lighting selection meeting, we will ensure the lighting vendor has access to this take-off and your home’s plans.

Phase Two: Design Board

Now that we understand your lighting needs, the next step in our process is to update your Design Boards with inspiration photos. We will use these photos during our meeting as a guiding factor for selections. There are so many light fixture options available, this step is a must!

Phase Three: Lighting Selections

After your Design Board is approved, it is time to select your lighting! We'll start with the main lights in the home and work our way out. We'll even select your doorbell at this meeting! All of your lighting selections will be notated on our lighting selection form, which will be emailed to you and any other important members of your build team.

Phase Four: Quoting and Purchasing

When lighting selection is complete, we will email your lighting selection form to your vendor to get a quote based on the selections made. This quote will be emailed to you for final approval before ordering.

Light fixtures are a way to bring a “wow” factor to your space and show some personality. Don't be afraid to go big and make the design statement that you and your guests will enjoy for years to come.

Designers with Purpose,

Micah and Co. Team