Say "Yes" to Cabinet Drawings!

Oh, the limitless world of cabinetry! If there’s one thing I always suggest to my clients, it’s to say “yes” to cabinet drawings! Here’s why they’re worth every single penny: 1) they help to establish your home’s layout and can help you to see how it will function. 2) They provide an accurate template, which can be used for cabinet hardware selections. 3) They give you a big “bang for your buck” as these drawings prevent costly mistakes.

Are your cabinets being built on site, so cabinet drawings are not provided? Not to worry, because Micah and Co. is happy to provide you and your builder with drawings! On average, a complete set of kitchen cabinet drawings require 2-4 hours of time. An example of a Micah and Co. cabinet drawing is below:

Additionally, I wanted to provide a few other reasons as to why we feel these drawings are important to your home building success:

Cabinetry Shapes Your Home

Cabinet drawings can truly help to demonstrate the flow of your home. Not only is physical layout important, but also notating various counter depths, cabinet fronts, textural materials, and uniquely designed cabinet pieces will help to ensure all of your cabinets are installed exactly how you want.

Cabinetry Provides Functionality

Nothing provides functionality to your home quite like perfectly designed cabinetry. Cabinet renderings are an important step in making sure your home is designed to be functional to your everyday lifestyle. With the influx of individuals working from home, built-in cabinetry is something we’re all wanting more of these days!

Cabinetry Is a Big-Ticket Item

Cabinetry is certainly a bigger ticket item in your home build, whether you’re building new or remodeling. Cabinet drawings provide an extra layer of attention to detail and prevent potential mistakes. Ultimately, with the cost of cabinets being what they are, it’s well worth investing in the added layer of security, making sure you love what you’re paying for!

Moral of the blog post… say “YES!” to cabinet drawings! Micah & Co. is here to help you design the cabinetry of your dreams! Reach out to us here to schedule an appointment.

Designers with Purpose,

Micah Abbananto + The Micah and Co. Team